Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Quilting Beach Walk

Our guild quilt show is now about 2 weeks away.  I am in the process of quilting the largest quilt I've done on my sewing machine.  Today I spent a little over 6 hours on it.  I got 4 blocks quilted.  Phew.  No more today.

I now have 2 1/2 blocks to quilt plus the border.  Then it's square it up again and put the binding on and embellishments.

After that is done I need to finish up the round robin quilt for the show.  That should be easy... just square it up, and put the binding and embellishments on it.

Here is Beach Walk all pinned and ready to start quilting.  ( 9 blocks total).  It's a McKenna Ryan pattern.

Sew see you next time.


Sunday, March 25, 2012


 OK so yesterday about 5:25 PM we were about to leave for a church activity.  It begins to hail, and just kept up for about 20 minutes.  The wind blew, it made a horrendous noise hitting the windows and sky lights.  It also rained like crazy with the hail.  Of course I was standing by the sliding door taking pictures.  We didn't know it at the time but there was a tornado watch for our area.  I do know that hail can often accompany tornado's.  I was listening for a loud train noise and if I had herd it, would have run fast.  That may have been too late????  Anyway, no tornado, just some homes with vinyl siding were damaged by the hail.  We are all OK.

The brown river on the right is not a ditch!
This is our side porch this morning.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sewing pillows

Our Women's Fellowship at church has our annual silent auction coming up a week from today.   The money raised will all go to charity.  This year my contributions are machine embroidered pillows on velvet and velveteen.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 The way I hooped the velvet was to hoop up stabilizer and then pinned the velvet on to the stabilizer.  This eliminates the  hooping marks on the velvet.                                         
The second picture  shows the machine doing the embroidery.  the third shows the finished embroidery. (The hoop is still below the fabric)
Here the machine is embroidering the blue velveteen  pillow top.   

Here are the two finished red ones.  One of the two blue pillows is below.  The red ones have a velvet cording that I made and zippers.  The blue ones are basic square pillows.  After spending many hours of basting before sewing, I think it will be a long time before I make velvet anything!