Tuesday, January 8, 2013


A little history.  My Mom spent hours trying to teach me to knit and to crochet when I was a youngster. I had the hardest time controlling the knitting needles, while crochet came easier.

It is maybe 50 years later probably more.... and Mom would have been proud of me.  I have in the past 10 years knitted lap throws, just simple knit and pearl.  Learning again from the Internet.

My best friend is having a grand baby girl in February so I wanted to knit the hat my mom had made for me and I used for my daughter.  I had the pattern (dated before I was born) and decided to give it a try... again with a little help from the Internet.  I had a live person as a back up, but was able to knit it without her help.  It is the best fitting hat for babies!

In progress...

The finished hat... it is a little big for a newborn so
I am making another one smaller.

This is the picture on the pattern.
So there it is I DID IT all by myself!

Sew see you later.